Bioidentical Hormone replacement Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Restore Wellness Clinic

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the body to supplement declining hormone levels. As we age, hormone production starts to slow down, leading to unpleasant symptoms.

BHRT can help alleviate:


How Bioidentical Hormones Work

Our Services

Are They Safe?

Bioidentical hormones have an excellent safety profile when used properly under medical supervision.

Table comparing bioidentical hormones vs. synthetic:

Feature Bioidentical Synthetic
Source Plant-based Lab-created
Structure Identical to human hormones Different
Adaptability Customizable doses Standard doses
Effectiveness High Low to moderate
Safety High Increased risks

Finding the Right BHRT Protocol

The optimal hormone therapy plan depends on each patient's:

Hormone Levels

Comprehensive testing is crucial to determine precisely which hormones are out of balance and by how much.

This allows customization of appropriate hormones, doses, and delivery methods.

The Restore Wellness Clinic specializes in advanced hormone testing and analysis.

Current Health Conditions

Existing medical conditions impact the type of hormones and doses that can be safely used.

We conduct thorough health screenings assessing:

This ensures treatment safety.

Treatment Goals

Each patient has unique goals they want to achieve through therapy based on how declining hormone levels have impacted their life.

Some common goals include:

Understanding goals allows customization of the perfect treatment plan.

The experts at the Restore Wellness Clinic take the time to understand lifestyle and goals while designing BHRT protocols.

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones.

The Initial Process at Restore Wellness Clinic

The process of starting bioidentical hormone therapy begins with comprehensive diagnostics and assessments before determining the treatment protocol.

Complete Diagnostic Testing

We begin by conducting extensive testing including:

This allows detection of precisely which hormones are suboptimal, why, and to what extent.

Consult Doctor Review

Results are carefully reviewed by our specialist physicians who have over 15 years of experience in bioidentical hormones and anti-aging medicine.

They assess: * Which hormones are out of balance * By how much * What symptoms presented * Medical history * Health goals

This enables them to determine the ideal hormone supplements and doses to bring each patient into optimal balance.

Personalized Treatment Plan

After the thorough review process, our doctors design a customized replenishment plan just for you.

This details:

The plan is designed holistically based on your unique needs and situation.

Bioidentical Hormones We Offer

There are a wide variety of bioidentical hormones that can be used to supplement deficiencies. The Restore Wellness Clinic offers all major hormones in multiple delivery methods.


Supplements low estrogen levels causing symptoms like:


We avoid synthetic conjugated estrogens.



Delivery methods:

Progesterone is often combined with estrogens in multi-hormone preparations.


Testosterone therapy helps with:

Options include:

Restore Wellness Clinic strongly avoid synthetic testosterones which have higher risk profiles.


DHEA is a hormone precursor produced by the adrenal glands.

Supplementing can:

We offer pharmaceutical-grade DHEA in capsule or sublingual preparations only.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Optimization

Comprehensive bioidentical hormone therapy also includes guidance on diet, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that impact hormone health and the efficacy of replenishment.

Our doctors provide deeply personalized recommendations on:

Nutrition Plan

Movement Plan

Stress Management

Implementing this multifaceted lifestyle optimization guidance significantly augments the benefits of bioidentical hormones.

The Restore Wellness Clinic puts equal emphasis on replenishment AND lifestyle transformation for maximal results.

Feel younger and live better with bioidentical HRT.

Additional Services Offered

Along with bioidentical hormones and lifestyle medicine, the Restore Wellness Clinic also provides:

Innovative Health Screenings

Identifying underlying issues augmenting hormonal imbalance

Regenerative Treatments

Repairing tissue damage and healing vitality

Cutting Edge Peptide Therapies

Safely enhancing youth, vitality, and function

The future of medicine - available today at the Restore Wellness Clinic!

Debunking Common Myths

There are several myths and misconceptions people have regarding bioidentical hormone therapy.

Myth 1 - BHRT Is Unsafe

Fact: Bioidentical hormones have an incredibly high safety profile because they are biologically identical to endogenous hormones. They bind properly to receptors, metabolize and eliminate from the body normally, and only supplement deficiencies.

Myth 2 - The Body Can Produce All It Needs

Fact: Due to modern environmental factors and stressors, even healthy individuals often cannot naturally produce optimal hormone levels as they age. BHRT simply helps the body regain the balance that has been disrupted.

Myth 3 - It Increases Cancer Risk

Fact: Multiple studies, including the landmark Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Trial, actually show that properly administered bioidentical estrogen and progesterone therapy does NOT elevate cancer risk in most patients and may impart protective benefits.

Zeroing in on Sexual Wellbeing

Emerging research has revealed compelling connections between bioidentical hormone balance and men's sexual health, libido, and performance.

Protects Erectile Function

Testosterone powers the male libido and erectile capacity.

Bolsters Sperm Quality

Adequate testosterone has been conclusively shown in studies to be vital for optimal sperm production and motility.

Fuels Sex Drive Mechanisms

Hypogonadism (clinically low testosterone) directly corresponds to:

BHRT action restores healthy sexual desire and frequency.

Enhances Performance Satisfaction

76% of men receiving testosterone therapy successfully restored free testosterone levels to normal, resulting in:

Bioidentical hormones engender profound intimacy rewards!

Harnessing Longevity Science

Exciting areas of research have demonstrated that optimized hormone balance plays a crucial role in slowing the intrinsic processes of aging itself.

Telomeres and Cellular Aging

Telomeres protect our DNA. Short telomeres accelerate aging.

Neurogenesis vs. Neurodegeneration

As we age, neural connections deteriorate if not regenerated.

Muscle Loss (Sarcopenia)

The loss of muscle mass and strength is a hallmark of aging.

Bone Depletion (Osteoporosis)

Bone mineral density gradually declines later in life.

Optimized BHRT protocols defend against deterioration, sustaining enduring vigor!

Inspiring Success Stories

Hear firsthand how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy dramatically restored wellbeing, vigor, and joy for these individuals:

Mary S's Story:

"I had a complete hysterectomy at age 39, which instantly put me into menopause. The hot flashes, sweats, and mood swings were unbearable. I felt irritable, detached, and depressed. BHRT gave me my life back. Within 3 weeks, I felt like a new woman - positive, energetic, and connected."

Paul R's Story:

"In my late 40s, I really started noticing a decline in energy, mental sharpness, and my sex drive just vanished. I felt like an old man. Getting tested revealed severely low testosterone levels. After starting bioidentical testosterone therapy through Restore Wellness Clinic, it was like being in my 20s again - physically and mentally strong and fully enjoying intimacy with my wife."

Real people, real lives transformed with BHRT from Restore Wellness Clinic!


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers a safe and effective solution for restoring hormonal balance, alleviating symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances, and promoting overall well-being. The Restore Wellness Clinic provides comprehensive diagnostic testing, personalized treatment plans, and lifestyle optimization guidance to ensure optimal results. With their expertise in bioidentical hormones and anti-aging medicine, the clinic is dedicated to helping individuals regain their vitality and improve their quality of life. If you're experiencing symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, don't hesitate to seek professional help from the Restore Wellness Clinic.

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